Salão de Exposições do Anhembi
“Alice Cooper Show” em São Paulo, no Anhembi. Em 30 de abril de 74
Alice Cooper , pseudônimo e personagem artístico do músico Vincent Fournier, foi um dos nomes que, no final dos anos 60 e início dos 70's, inauguraram o chamado Metal Teatral. Na época em que se falava em "paz & amor", os roqueiros dessa vertente encenavam performances bizarras, inspiradas em filmes de terror.
Em 1974, suas apresentações marcaram a história dos shows de rock no Brasil . Um dos rock stars mais badalados dos anos 70, Alice veio ao país no auge do sucesso, e encontrou fãs que o aguardavam ansiosamente. A “alicemania” parecia uma febre nacional, causou alvoroço em São Paulo por bombásticas entrevistas do artista e pelo trânsito caótico, gerado por milhares de fãs que lotavam as ruas, tentando chegar perto do ídolo.
O “Alice Cooper Show” estreiou em São Paulo, no Pavilhão de Exposições do Anhembi. Em 30 de abril de 74, 158 mil pessoas, público recorde para a época, foram ao delírio quando Alice sugiu em meio à uma nuvem de bolhinhas de sabão, para cantar “Hello Hooray!”, “Billion Dollar Babies”, “I love the Dead” , “School’s Out”, entre outras.
Assim que o músico apareceu, espectadores mais distantes tentaram se aproximar do palco e os que se encontravam mais próximos à estrutura foram comprimidos. As pessoas que estavam na frente começaram a subir ao palco, enquanto a policia tentava conter a multidão. O show foi interrompido e a ameaça de que Alice não voltaria foi o bastante para conter os fãs. O show seguiu com mais violência, mas só em cena. O rock star foi eletrocutado, decapitou bonecas e foi guilhotinado, tudo de acordo com o roteiro macabro-circense típico do astro. Para marcar o final do show, dos alto falantes no Anhembi ouvia-se “Pra Frente Brasil”, que a platéia cantou em coro, enquanto deixava o local.
Alice ainda se apresentou nos dois dias seguintes, no Palácio das Convenções.
Em entrevista posterior, o roqueiro lembrou os shows que realizou no Brasil em 1974.
"A apresentação foi fantástica, porque nós não sabíamos que aquele era um dos primeiros shows de rock internacionais que aconteceram no país. Havia 158 mil pessoas e o local era coberto, então a apresentação no Anhembi entrou para o “Livro Guiness dos Recordes” como o maior show coberto de todos os tempos. Para nós foi como os Beatles devem ter se sentido no auge da beatlemania. A cidade estava louca, não sabíamos que causaríamos tanta comoção. A segurança do show era o exército, nunca tínhamos visto nada parecido. E me lembro que a capa de um jornal do dia seguinte era uma foto minha de página inteira dizendo “macumba”. Fui perguntar o que aquilo queria dizer e me explicaram que era uma mistura de vodu e catolicismo. A experiência toda foi incrível, sempre falo sobre esse show com a imprensa e com os integrantes originais da banda. Foi um show histórico, um marco."
A título de curiosidade, os preços dos shows em SP e RJ, comparados com o preço de um jornal em banca, na época, e com os valores atualizados no ano de 2010:
Alice Cooper - 1974
Anhembi (Pavilhão de Exposições) – 30/3/1974
ingresso preço preço atual
Preço único Cr$ 20 R$ 50
Anhembi (Palácio das Convenções) – 31/03 e 01/04/1974
ingresso preço preço atual
Balcão Cr$ 110 R$ 275
Cadeira fundo Cr$ 130 R$ 325
Cadeira 1ª fila Cr$ 160 R$ 400
Preço do jornal na época: Cr$ 1,00 (cruzeiro)
Fonte: Estadão
Jan 25th `74 Muscle Of Love single released
17th (3rd week) Jan `74 Alice films `Snoop Sisters`(MM) (contract dated 17th January).
1st Week Feb `74 Alice is in Acapulco, Mexico on what is described as a `Golf Sojourn.` He`s renting a house down there with Cindy and he gets food poisoning!
Disc Feb 16th `74 states that Alice was heading to Mexico a week before, so he must have been there for a few weeks as:
Circus Apr `74(Interview by phone from Mexico presumably done in February): `Two days back from a vacation in Acapulco, Mexico, the game-loving ghoul taped a "Hollywood Squares" segment for their evening show.`
They also report `To facilitate his own TV viewing, Alice has installed the huge 50-inch Sony television that works like a movie projector, with the picture being cast from a projector to an enormous screen. Sony has made only a handful of these gigantic television sets which cost upwards of $3,000. They are, to be sure, color, and come complete with your very own video tape unit, so that you can make your own films. `
Disc also infers that he`s already recorded `Snoop Sisters`: `He recently played a con man in one episode of a television serial, and thoroughly enjoyed it. "I had to learn my lines and everything - I loved it!"
Neal and Babbette move to Miami. Alice and Cindy move to LA
Late Feb `74 LA sketches for movie
Disc Mexico article says "we start filming in LA in about ten days. "
Feb 19th `74 Alice is at Century Plaza. LA for a Kiss album launch party where he makes the famous quote"all these guys need is a gimmick"
Mar 2nd `74 Alice appears at the Gammy`s.
Sat Mar `74 `Hollywood Squares` filmed-three shows
Around here, Alice also meets Elvis.
Mar 5th `74 `Snoop Sisters` airs
Mar 10th `74 Alice arrives in Holland
There was a European tour planned for this period but it was canceled However Alice still headed to Europe alone. Alice attended the soccer match between FC Haarlem vs. AFC Ajax in the Dutch city of Haarlem. There he was presented with a gold disc for 'Billion Dollar Babies' by FC Haarlem's coach, Barry Hughes (the album had been number one in the Dutch album charts for seven weeks).
After the match, Alice did a press conference in Haarlem, and then went to Amsterdam, where Dutch
gossip journalist Henk van der Meijden invited him to his 'Club Prive', located at the Leiseplein in Amsterdam. In the evening, Alice was interviewed in his Amsterdam hotel room by Bert van de Kamp, a writer for Dutch music paper 'Muziekkrant Oor'. Van de Kamp's article was published on March 27. Alice was also interviewed by Dutch deejay Lex Harding. The interviewed was taped and aired on Radio Veronica on March 15.
You can see photos from this date here.
Mar 11th `74 Still In Holland but travels to Finland that afternoon
Alice discovered that Colonel ('Kentucky Fried Chicken') Sanders was staying in the same hotel. Dutch photographer Gijsbert Hanekroot took some pictures of them. Alice also did another press conference, where parts of a concert movie were shown. In the afternoon, he took a plane to Helsinki, Finland.
In Finland, authorities have to close the airport due to 5,000 fans turning up to meet him! He also meets the Russian press about a possible Russian show but the Russian government aren`t interested. When Alice arrived to the airport, he was welcomed by ten model girls (wearing Muscle Of Love t-shirts) with roses. Alice was so touched about the gesture that apparently he started to cry. Alice was interviewed (in his hotel suite) for Finnish television. A part of this interview was shown on a program called Rockstop in the summer of 1990
Mar 12th `74 Alice flies from Helsinki to Copenhagen, Denmark
Mar 14th or 15th `74 Alice is in Paris where he`s seen talking to Aristotle Onassis at a nightclub.
Mar 15th `74 Alice flies to Heathrow, London
Mar 16th `74 Alice is in London
Daily Express March 19th reports Alice is in London (for 3 days staying at Blakes Hotel in Chelsea). He`s seen at a party in his honour held by Tessa Elwes(nee Kennedy) at her flat in Hyde Park Gardens. They dine on avocado with caviar, and lamb before watching a 16 minute clip of a new film Alice had made (Good To See You Again?)
He also appears in `The Old Grey Whistle Test`. He also spends an evening at the Speakeasy club drinking with Bernie Taupin.
Yve Marie Snake is dead(MM).
`The Exorcist` opens in London during his stay. Could this be the premier that Alice refers to attending with LInda Blair? An interview infers he hasn`t seen it by the beginning of March(MM)
March 18th `74 Alice leaves London for Hamburg Germany
March 21st `74 Alice is in Holland
March 22nd `74 Alice arrives home in the US
March 28th `74 The band travel to Sao Paulo
March 29th `74 Rehearsals at Anhembi
March 30th `74 Sao Paolo, Brazil Anhembi Exposition Hal l- Start of the 1st South American rock tour ever
Largest indoor audience ever (120,000-148,000 depending on report)
Band stay at Copacabana Palace HotelFrom Mick Mashbir (June 1988):I was just looking in my diary for some clues. Found a couple. We played in Sao Paulo on March 30. That was the gig that nearly wasn't. I'm sure you heard about the crowd control problems that effectively stopped the show. There were over 70,000 people in a building so large that there was a Volkswagen factory in the other half! Next show April 2 was in a concert hall.
Then we went to Rio. April 5 Played a club!! It was fun but a little crazy April 7/8/? Played in a sports arena. I don't have a set list but I'm sure it wasn't any different than the X-mas MOL tour. I'm sure someone has that.
April 1st `74 Sao Paolo, Brazil Teatro
April 3rd `74 Sao Paolo Brazil Teatro second show mentioned on official press release)
April 5th `74 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Canecao
Oct `74 Circus reports the band at rest.`After the last Brazil show, Glen disappears into the jungle for six weeks before returning to Conn. via New York, where he`s playing with video equipment(he then watched as an electrical fault caused $300,000 of damage to the mansion during a fire). Dennis is also in Conn. relaxing with Cindy. Mike has sold his Connecticut house and has moved to Lake Tahoe where he has built his own studio and is working there with Mike Mashbir. Neal is in Conn. putting finishing touches on `Platinum God`. Alice is also beginning to plan his own Solo album. He`s also spotted in Hawaii playing golf at James MacArthur's(Hawaii 5-0) Hawaiian Adventure Celebrity Golf and Tennis Tournament.`
April 8th `74 Alice leaves Brazil and flies home to the US
April 9th-16th `74 Hollywood Squares shown.
June `74 Rolling Stone:`Details of what apparently were Cooper-inspired hanging parties surfaced last month at a coroner's inquest into the death of a 13-year-old boy who was found swinging from a sturdy length of hemp in his bedroom closet. The boy's father told the inquiry that his son's experiment with execution dated from his viewing an In Concert show aired in Canada in March in which Alice did his staged demonstration of do-it-yourself death with a gallows and a hangman's rope`
June 19th(?) '74 Alice is in in NYC at the Playboy Club to see Barbi Benton perform
July `74 There are reports that Alice spent the summer in the Bahamas with Dick Wagner writing the material tat would become `Welcome To Me Nightmare`
Aug 11th `74 Alice is spotted at the `Catch A Rising Star as Eastside Club, Manhattan and the following day he arrived at the office on roller-skates.
Aug `74 Alice comes forth in the Nashville Pro-Am Golf Tournament.
End Aug `74 `Neal Smith celebrated his first wedding anniversary with a $20,000 party aboard a luxury yacht at the weekend, and on the day of the party Alice's bassist Dennis Dunaway married Cindy Smith who took the part of the tooth during the dentist routine on Alice's last tour. Also at the party were Alice's guitarists Glen Buxton and Michael Bruce, Mark Volman and Howard Kaylan, and Todd Rundgren.`
Late Aug `74 Alice is reported to be in the studio in Toronto with Bob Ezrin.
Sept 18th `74 - `Good To See You Again, Alice Cooper` reopens in Kansas City.
Billboard 14th Sept `74: "What may be the largest promotional and merchandising campaign ever centered around a rock movie will be launched Sept. 18 in Kansas City for the opening of 'Good To See You Again, Alice Cooper.' Heading the merchandising and promotional plans is Product Communications Inc., with a firm dubbed Creative Coalition (distribution for the film) and Penthouse Productions (producers) involved in the distribution. The movie first released last may, has now been edited and Los Angeles and San Francisco openings will follow the Kansas City opening."
19th Oct `74 Alice rumoured to appear on-stage with Lou Reed at Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada (this is Reeds only Toronto date in the period, the next closest is Dec `73) singing the chorus of `Walk On The Wild Side`
It`s suggested this may have happened in New York and if so it would likely have been the 9th Oct.
It`s suggested this may have happened in New York and if so it would likely have been the 9th Oct.
20th Oct `74 Alice came fourth in Nashville's Pro/Celebrity Golf Invitational, the tenth in its history.
`By the time Alice teed off on Sunday the crowd had risen to 25,000 apparently the largest the tournament has ever attracted, and Cooper, in two days, had signed 5,000 autographs and lost more than 40 golf balls to souvenir hunters. Fourth out of 35 not bad. Other competitors included Charley Pride, Mickey Mantle (the baseball player), Mac Davis, Flip Wilson, Pat Boone, Perry Como, Dale Robertson (Wells Fargo), Bobby Goldsboro and the governor of Tennessee, Winfield Dunn. `
While he was down in Nashville he was made a deputy sheriff of Davidson County.
Nov `74 `Billion Dollar Baby` hard cover published.
Nov 17th 1974 Alice attends the US premiere/party for 'Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band' stage play in New York. Also in attendance were John Lennon, May Pang, Yoko Ono, Bette Midler, David Johanssen ("lead singer of the New York Dolls"), John Phillips, Wayne County, Johnny Winter, and Andy Warhol
Nov 30th `74 Rolling Stone: Alice attended the November 30th wedding of new guitarist Dick Wagner (former Lou Reed crony) to Elizabeth "Lizard" Marsh of Grosse Ile, Michigan.
Dec `74 The Smoothers Brothers show filmed
Xmas Holidays '74 Alice appears onstage at a Flo And Eddie show with fellow guest Keith Moon at the Troubador in Los Angeles. The guests take part dirung the encore and do songs including "Wooly Bully". Erik Scott is on Flo And Eddies Band.
"I had met Alice while playing with Flo and Eddie. He came up on stage in 1974 with Keith Moon at the Troubador in LA for an encore with F&E. Great sport. I think we did Wooly Bully as one of the tunes. The drummer, Craig Krampf ('Special Forces' album Drummer)....... he had just gotten the new drum set from Rogers drums , and was afraid Keith Moon would trash ' he wouldn't let Keith play his brand new drums...ha!"
(Erik Scott, July 2005)
By the end of `74, Alice had legally changed his name to Alice Cooper.

Descargas-Metal: ALICE COOPER - Traduzir esta página
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ExcluirIf You were at any of the Alice Cooper concerts in Brazil in 1974, can You please contact me...?
Christian Strandell (email:
Nunca que tinha 168 mil pessoas no show. Tanto que o Queen foi quem pegou o recorde, tocando 2 noites pra 130 mil em 81. O próprio cara fala ali que eram umas 70 mil.
ResponderExcluirboa tarde, tem como enviar a foto da . As pessoas que estavam na frente começaram a subir ao palco, enquanto a policia tentava conter a multidão. pois eu estava no palco fotografando e acho que que apareço nesta foto, segurando uma camera fotografica, nota é o unico que esta de fronte ao publico olhando para mão
ResponderExcluirmarkitophotograf@hotmailcom Bom Natal
Pesquiso sobre o Show, quem puder dar informaçoes, agradeço
ResponderExcluirMessenger: Marco Antonio Rossi
Eu fui neste show com uma excursão da cidade de Itapira SP,meu primeiro era um dia muito quente, me lembro que os bombeiros deu um banho d'água enquanto esperávamos, foi demais estar ali com meus amigos curtimos muito, Marcos...